Criminal defense and criminal legal risk prevention

The cases handled by Dali Criminal team include crimes of disrupting the management order of companies and enterprises, crimes of disrupting financial management order, financial fraud, crimes of endangering tax collection and administration, smuggling, crimes of disturbing market order, crimes of embezzlement and bribery, and crimes of dereliction of duty. It involves investment, banking and finance, securities, medicine, real estate, infrastructure, construction engineering, energy, international trade, intellectual property and other industries and fields.

The legal services provided by Dali Criminal Team in the field of criminal defense and criminal legal risk prevention include:

  • To provide clients with legal advice on criminal law and criminal procedure law
  • Provide clients with special training on anti-fraud, anti-dereliction of duty, anti-money laundering, anti-commercial bribery, etc.
  • Assist clients to establish and improve criminal compliance and criminal risk prevention systems
  • Assist clients in assessing the criminal legal risks of specific transactions
  • Assist clients in conducting preliminary investigations into possible criminal offences committed by internal employees
  • Assist clients in responding to criminal investigation, investigation and summons by criminal judicial authorities in accordance with the law
  • Assist customers in crisis management, intervene in emergencies and make emergency solutions
  • Assist clients to deal with criminal and civil cross-cases, and initiate civil litigation or criminal filing procedures according to the circumstances
  • Defending clients against possible criminal offences
  • Assist clients to complete the subsequent disposal of criminal assets